

daughter, Naomi.

Time passed, Bobbi recovered slowly. Many friends supported him well during that period. Seemed like there was always some new friend coming to pick up Bob and to go to dinner, etc.

While Bob had preferred for some time the company of women, it was nice to see him with so many new male friends. Bobbi saw Bart on a frequent basis. This threatened me because I was Bobbi's best friend and he was always too busy.

He'd smile and say, "Sorry Johnny, Bart and I are driving to New York City tomorrow to see a play. Maybe next week?" Bob had money to spend now since the doctor bills had stopped and it looked like he was spending it all on new clothes---dresses and the most stylish high heels.

Sue Hart came back to town, she didn't like big city life. Dot was on a trip so Bobbi and I picked Sue up at the airport, she was going to stay with us until she found an apartment.

Sue's mouth dropped when she saw Bobbi----the first time since that day at the beauty parlor. The weather was still hot, so Bobbi was wearing a halter top sun dress in power blue. The halter showed a lot of cleavage, and the full skirt floated around his full hips. He was walking differently now, like a cat with a graceful sway to each step. He always wore 3-4 inch heels now. What was funny...Sue had on the same dress in green! They could have passed for sisters.

When he saw Sue, he ran to her and they hugged and kissed, all very girlish style. On the way home in the car, Sue couldn't keep her hands off Bobbi. They talked and giggled about the play, make-up and his clothes.

Sue said, "Bobbi, let's go home and put on our bikini's and go to the country club pool."

Back at my house, Bobbi slipped on one of Dot's bikinis. Sue couldn't get over the changes in Bob's figure, and said she would have enjoyed seeing how Bob become Bobbi.

At the pool, I watched Bobbi stare as a tall lifeguard


"Here's a picture of Bob sailing with Bart in Hawaii.

He no longer cared that about wearing girlish clothes!"